Like i said before, i think Al Gore's documentary "An Inconvenient Truth," is responsible for all of this mental real estate in our heads. The issue of global warming and sustainability was not thought of by him. He just put his ugly mug on the issue which had been around for decades. I bet he wishes he would have focused all of his efforts on the issue back in 2000 when he lost the election. Al Gore is not a scientist, but he sure plays one in his move, he is a jounalist. However, he is responsible for this mental estate, after all he did get a lot of publicity for this one, such as winning a pulitzer and the nobel prize, and was all over T.V. the radio and newspapers. I feel that he's taking credit for this one like he took credit for inventing the internet.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Re: 1 Minute paper 1/24/2008
Today was really great I thought everones 2038 predictions were great especially robotic futures thats my favorite. I also felt good about the people who metioned California in their papers. The truth of the matter is this though Global warming, Fossil fuels,and politics are rising concerns for our society. And I heard all of these things metioned in the papers today. Mainly Fossil fuels,Oil prices are rising and the future of gasoline powered cars
Posted by
12:40 AM
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Minute Paper for January 24, 2008
Yeah today went the way I was hoping it wouldn't go. Public speaking is nerve racking, especially when sharing your imaginative side. However, I got through it all in one piece. So about the community papers, they were pretty cool. Actually, Andrew's metaphoric paper about "the hive" was quite intriguing, though I must say I wasn't really able to interpret it too well. Otherwise, most papers were about the same pattern, little change, huge change, and economically aware ideas (my favorite part!). Honestly, I have to say, I have NO IDEA what type of order Mr. Candy had those papers in. I mean I thought I did until I heard the paper of the young lady that read after me. Oh, and last note, Nicole's paper worried me, seemed to fit well with humans tendency to be self-destructive, plus global warming. All in all, the class is full of a bunch of brilliant minds!
Posted by
Sharissa K
11:24 PM
Out of the many different projections of the future today, i would like to comment on the prevalence of robots in our future lives. many of us mentioned robots in a few different positions in society. To quote Mario, "can i borrow your robot?" that makes me chuckle a fantastic chuckle. Also, someone mention that we could employ our homeless to fix the robots for us. i don't know where homeless people suddenly found computer engineering skills but i am impressed with the bums of the future. i just want to give a frank *right on* to the skilled homeless people. everyone loves a dude with skills. robots in a few stories actually replaced spaces that people take up now. this possibility makes me quite nervous. this has happened in the industrial world already with computerized assembly lines and everything... but to ask a computer to make a meal for me past putting ingredients in a bread maker, makes me sad that everyday life continues to become more and more impersonal. another part of today that i enjoyed was listening to quite the extended metaphor based on a bee hive. thats such a wonderful and creative way of looking at society. everyone has there part and we move in swarms and generally are working for a common goal. i am sure the comparison has been made before but then again, what idea that any of us spoke of today was genuinely original. someone mentioned individuality, and its importance in the lives of people in our culture. i feel like individual expression is necessary for me to be happy, but i begin to wonder if anyone will actually come up with something new at any point in the future. everything we do has been done before. finally, with all these endless possibilities, who's to say that any one is negative or positive? can the fact that anything is possible just be accepted as differences instead of flaws or nice features? a grim future in your eyes may be an ideal future for another. either way, i am not sure what order the papers were in today. i had a great time listening to all the points of view though!
Posted by
11:05 PM
Minute Paper 1/24
Today's class showed that people have some of the same ideas on how the future will look like. A lot of people talked about the future being powered with hydrogen and some people had the idea that we won't have flying cars in the future, I on the other hand did say that we would have flying cars. People did have some interesting ideas on how the future will be and i hope that the next 30 years turn out to improve our world and that our generation will help in improving and protecting this world.
Posted by
11:01 PM
1-24-2008 Future Com.
For most of us our future communities are directly tied to our outlook on our own personal lives. One thing I highly notice from the papers is that most everyone in corporate high technological advances or the negative outlooks on our environmental and overall “personal” lives. Why is it that we envision robots and tools that will do all our work for us in less than 30years, is that what we truly want our futures to be like? I feel that if all these assumptions were true a major part of who we are as humans would be endangered. Our minds would ultimately change and so would the way of everyday “thinking”. For example; cooking your own meals, doing your own shopping or chores as well as many other day to day tasks that are good for us in many ways. I am not saying that all the idea and predictions are not possible because it could be but I do feel that being the future generation we are also the customers of these technological goods it is our choice to purchase and endure ourselves in it. So essentially it’s our call in the end.
Posted by
10:59 PM
Andrew's Minute Paper 1/24
As soon as I stepped into the classroom today, I could already see where this class was going to go. When I saw the chair up front again, I knew we were going to have to read our second paper in class. And then I got nervous. I had chosen what could be considered a somewhat nonstandard format for my paper. And as I had suspected, my format for the paper, that of an anthropologist who was not of the society being observed, turned out to be fairly far from the rest of the class. As far as the order for this set of papers, a few possible progressions occurred to me. The first that I noticed had to do with the view of environmental issues. It seemed to me that the papers presented earlier showed a more environmentally devastated world, while the later ones seemed to have solved in some way the environmental question.
Posted by
Experimental Chef
9:34 PM
Minute Paper # 3 (1/24/08)
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Posted by
9:21 PM
minute paper [1/24]
Today's class was..different. I wasn't expecting to read aloud my thoughts about my community in the future. I did enjoy listening to everyone's papers, though. From flying cars, to robot maids, to Hives and nourishment pills..they were all fun/weird to think about!
Everyone's ideas were so different, yet had things in common. For example, lots of people talked about how the environment would be shot to hell in 2038. I can't help but think that if all of us picture a polluted, destroyed earth in the future, why aren't we doing more to stop what we think is inevitable? Maybe we think there is nothing we can do.. but I think we can change our ways and help clean up and save the earth. I really liked the last student's paper, where he described the earth as clean and safe and better than ever. That's a really great, optimistic view on the future that more of us should probably have.
Posted by
Jeff & Lea
9:09 PM
minutemen#3 jan2408
today in class we read our community02038 papers. I, once again, thought all of the essays were really fun to listen to. In relation to mental real estate, its obvious that terms/ideas such as global warming, go green, recycle, and hydrogen powered vehicles have really niched a mark on all our brains, and have become one of the commonalities between most of the groups of papers. I think it's interesting to think that theories, such as global warming, is being taken as something that is definitely happening, rather than being seen as a theory of was could occur. And in a way, the idea of global warming will always win because if global warming does not progress as it is thought to continue, then it will seem to prove as though we, the human race, have actually made the difference; when there could have been no problem at all. A possibility....
On another note, I once again thought the papers we ordered in range of scope, from the more narrow to the wide range.
Posted by
Virginia Paresa
8:52 PM
Minute Paper 1/24
Although everyone’s essays illustrated varied ideas on what our communities may be like in the year 2028, there where many recurring concepts from the “Day in My Life” essay and today’s readings that stood out to me. Whether with a pessimistic or optimistic outlook, global warming and other environmental issues where present in close to every essay. This along with a lesser emphasis on the financial conditions led to many speculations on how our world will be powered, which included solar, hydrogen, dams, and even wind. There where also many statements made on our communities achieving harmony and even a few mentions of a singular world nation. In my opinion neither of these are remotely possible in a mere thirty years, when our current day countries can’t even come to basic agreements or keep promises, and if you have had a sibling on a soccer team, it is painfully obvious how easily a harmonious community can become fraught with conflict. There was also a heavy emphasis on an increasingly powerful government, which, depending on the essay, could have been in relation to the food we eat, the cars we drive, the ideals that are taught to our children, and how we use our resources with the occasionally disturbingly Marxist concepts like a government run healthcare system and even assigned jobs being mentioned. Personally I think Virginia summed up the most prevalent point throughout today’s essays, in her description of a world where we are slowly losing our freedoms, with our governments or other powerful groups easing them away from us under the disguise of a well meaning big brother.
Mark Alexander
Posted by
8:26 PM
minute paper.01/24
Today at class, We were ask to read our 'my community in 2038' papers. I was bit nervous at first because I didn't know if i wrote my paper properly or not. When I was reading it, I felt much better but I felt like I should have checked my paper double times to check for grammatical errors. In my paper, I described future world that was devastated by global warming and everyone was having little harder time then now. That is how I honestly felt when I was asked to imagine future 30 years from now. When Stuart told people who missed class on tuesday to reflect this on the things we learned last Tuesday I was thinking, 'Why do I think the world is going to mess up like that?' and I thought It's because of the Mental Estate in my brain that Hollywood movies have bought from me. It was weird. To think that movies and books can influence my imaginations and stuff like that. Mental Estate is powerful thing. So I think the hollywood people should use it to make people better by making movies that touches the heart. It was really fun to hear other people's papers because half the class thought that world will be worse place in 30years and other half thought that the world will be a better place in 30 years. I honestly thought that optimistic view on future sounded really good. and I thought I should have take the optimistic path to write my paper.
Posted by
7:21 PM
Minute Paper 1/24/08
Today in class I thought the ideas expressed were more broad than the last set of papers. I think that because we were forced to think about the world or "community" we basically had to make a choice about the positive or negative future that we may one day live in. Many people stated in their papers that clearly there was no way to know or predict the future, but everyone either decided that the future was going to be a better place because mankind recognized its faults and corrected them, or failed to do so resulting in a world that was faced with change because of the degradation of the planet. That's my take on how the papers were organized, I did make note that many people believe that we are going to experience a major change in environment due to global warming. That seemed to come up in over half the essays.
Posted by
6:13 PM
I missed class today. It looks like you guys read yr second paper.
Sorry I missed it. I will see you on Tuesday.
Posted by
Adam Barker
5:13 PM
minute paper 01.24.08
After hearing todays papers I thought it was much more
difficult to figure out the order than it was on
Tuesday. Although in the beginning there were a couple
of stories that suggested all countries would unite
under one nation, it seemed as though the outlooks got
more and more optimisitc as we neared the end of the
papers, with Nick's having the brightest outlook. Once
again, global warming was a major theme that reoccured
through out many of the papers, and i find it
promising and encouraging that so many people in our
generation view it as a real threat and serious issue.
Many of the papers mentioned eco-friendly ideas, which
i also noticed in the papers read on tuesday. Although
i didn't mention the growth of industrialization in my
paper, i found it curious that it was only mentioned
in one paper when it plays such a large role on a
global scale. I'm glad that Lea brought it up and gave
us all a glimpse of a possible future for the islands.
Its a scary one, but one that i dont believe is that
farfetched, and it was good to be reminded that that
possibility exists.
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Posted by
1:11 PM
minute paper #3 jan 24
I really enjoy hearing what people see the future as. Some see it as a
happy place and others as a unhappy place. I think that is how they
were sorted out today. The more dark futures were first and the happier
ones last. I like to see the future bring good rather then bad. Because
if you think that something bad is going to happen just as the
predictions and so on say will happen, then it actualy might. Like if
you get your fortune told, and it says you are going to get your dream
job. Then you are more set on finding it, becasue it must happen. Or if
you get a bad fortune like your boyfriend and you will break up, its
more prone to happen becasue you think about it. Okay i dont know if
that is exactly what class was but just my take on the futures.
Posted by
12:51 PM
one minute paper 1/24
Today's class was a lot like Tuesday's class. I really enjoyed hearing about what others thought our community would be like in the year 2038. There was a lot of creative ideas, and it was interesting to see how people would view the world. The worry about Global warming was found in many papers and I found that to be interesting. Also, the banishment of gasoline, and the most interesting similiarty in all the papers, was that many thought that our world would join as one, and be lead by one United Nation. I found that to be very interesting, and again like Tuesdays class i really enjoyed hearing others opinions on the world in the year 2038
Posted by
12:32 PM
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
wahoo--the FUTURE
soo... about todays class period. i want to apologize for going over class time. i was also really nervous about reading aloud. i believe the progression of papers read was from least mentioned change to most noticeable from today until then. perhaps some things about the world change in the earliest read papers but it wasn't remarked upon. its fascinating to see what everyone did with the opportunity to sort of write about whatever we wanted. i was hoping for some crazy, morbid, post-apocalyptic fantasies but for the most part it was very mild compared to today. the exciting part is that who's to say anyone of our projected futures isn't exactly how it is going to be. i am looking forward to next time and our next assignment!
Posted by
11:29 PM
Minute Paper 1/22/08
Today in class we all read our accounts of what we thought the future thirty years from now would hold for us. It appeared to me, that the first people that went viewed things through the eyes of someone living in a world that had changed but not drastically. As the readings progressed it appeared that more and more of the people reading felt that the world would undergo more radical changes be it either through technology or through changes brought about by war or other things which damaged the Earth. This was an interesting way to show that when people look at the future and try to predict what it holds, there are many different ideas that are stressed. Some took a close look at their family lives while others postulated more on other aspects of daily life. Quite an interesting idea to have everyone read their papers, but I will say that it was nerve racking and that I could have done without having to read what I wrote so unexpectedly.
To the class I will say this, great job on your papers and I believe everyone who read had something different and interesting to contribute. Some made me laugh, others made me sit back and think, while others gave me a great understanding of who some of you are as people in terms of your values, dreams, and attitudes towards life. Great job everyone!
Posted by
10:55 PM
Minute Paper for January 22, 2008
Todays class was pretty chill, we pretty much just read our "A Day in My Life in 2038" papers. It was interesting how advanced some people think we'll be in 30 years. Hannah's poetic, "Waterworld" like paper was pretty nice. And Adam's paper was the most interesting. Actually a question on his piece, did 80% of the population die or become walking dead like in "Resident Evil: Extinction?" Also, I wouldn't mind hearing about what Mr. Candy thinks the world will be like 30 years from now. I thought it quite charming that most of the class had their ideal family mapped out and I like how detailed Virginia got with her simplistic fashion world. The part that most pleased me was that I noticed most of the class was concerned about a huge issue in the world right now, global warming. Basically, the class was great. Awesome creative minds at work.
Posted by
Sharissa K
10:11 PM
Re: 1 Minute paper 1/22/2008
I feel that everyone that predicted robots being within the near future were enlighten i mean within the last 60 years the ingenuity of our minds have created some of the most complexed machines imaginable. And each generation is getting smarter and smarter, so another thirty years. robots aren't that far away they already have Asimov, one of the first robots with the likeness of a human. so keep a look out.
Posted by
10:05 PM
minutemen #2 jan2208
Iʻm really happy we decided to read all of the papers in front of each other today. yeah, it was really awkward, but it was nice to hear everyoneʻs personalities come out. I noticed that the papers progressed from a narrowed scope of what "my life in 02038" would be, to a wide exposure of what oneʻs life would be. I like that we did that. Teachers are usually the only ones that get to read all the goods. thanks, virgi
Posted by
Virginia Paresa
9:20 PM
Andrew's Minute Paper 1/22
Much to my own surprise, I find that I actually enjoyed today's class. When I heard that we were going to be reading our first papers aloud in class, I started to get nervous. Truth be told, I am not much of a fan of public speaking. I began to worry that, either by the format I had chosen for my paper, or the content of my supposed future, I would come across as weird. However, I was relieved to discover that everyone's papers were a little odd. Looking over the sequence of the papers as they were presented in class, I saw two possible reasons for that arrangement. One possible factor was that, for the most part, the papers seemed to go from a more positive future through many neutral futures into some somewhat grim futures. The other possible factor determining the sequence that stood out to me was the format, with the earlier ones being closer to an essay format, and the later ones leaning more and more towards the narrative.
Posted by
Experimental Chef
8:51 PM
Minute Paper
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Posted by
8:42 PM
Minute Paper 1/22
In my opinion today's essays where arranged in order of their scope in regards to our outlook on the world in the future, going from the most individually focused to looking at our lives in relation to the changes in our future world. I also noted a marked influence of our mental real estate on how each of us approached portraying the future. Whether intentional or not the political, technological, economical, and environmental concepts that where touched on in each essay showed the heavy influence of films, written word, politicians, and the ideas and discoveries of our current day scientists.
Posted by
7:37 PM
Minute Paper 1/22/08
I thought today's class was really interesting and the exercise did bring everyone to be more comfortable with each other. It was interesting to hear other people's ideas of what the future will be like. I liked the ideas of some students in which they hope to make the world a better place for everyone. I also thought that the idea of a plague or a contamination of some deadly disease that wiped out most of the population was interesting as well. Overall, I thought that each students' paper had some uniqueness to it all. This discussion or the exercise we practiced in class today, was an eye opener in seeing people's different ideas.
Paula Kawajiri
Posted by
7:15 PM
minute paper 1/22
Today's class was a unique way of looking at the future in which we all share. I found it interesting that so many people incorporate such high level technology into the next thirty years, personally I don't think society is ready for such a large step so abruptly; like having robot maids or self driving cars. Also, I feel like because we assume these things and desire them that society will continue to relie on better and more advanced things eventually dominating mankind. This can also be related to the two articles from last class because it shows what our society continuously focuses on and the strive for better things. I can only hope that these things wont happen in my lifetime.
Melissa Ginn (via email)
Posted by
Stuart Candy
6:51 PM
Minute paper #2
Class was intersting today. It was cool to see how everyone saw the
future and how they thought it would be. Like if they would have kids
or what would happen. It was cool to here some of the boys talk about
all the kids they would have. And how some others had creative stories
such as the pirate idea. It was cool .
Posted by
3:32 PM
minute paper 1-22-08
Todays class was interesting with the wide array of interpretations of the topic. I thought that the class progression went from a more steady/no change perspective, to a radical need for change due to certain issues such as global warming, and water shortages/sustainability. And I hate to say it, but I think that this common idea orginates from Al Gores Documentary "An Incovenient Truth." Nonetheless I enjoyed the miracle machines,and robots that people were describing.
Posted by
shane messick
3:18 PM
I liked getting to hear people's ideas for the future. I hope that
doing what we did in class today helps our class feel more comfortable
around each other, and everyone will feel like participating in
Posted by
Adam Barker
2:48 PM
1-22 minute paper
I thought it was great to hear everyones' papers today in class. It was interesting to hear everyones' perceptions on how the future might be, as well as where everyone sees themselves in 30 years. I thought that the order of the papers was something along the lines of how much things had changed within the 30 years. I noticed at first, most of the papers were about a normal day with family and at work, and as the papers progressed, they became more futuristic. I also noted that the papers that were read in close proximity to each other had some things in common... which related back to the "tragedy of the commons" discussion we had last class. Very interesting to see that actually pan out in the papers.
Posted by
2:06 PM
minute paper 01.22.08
today in class i really enjoyed hearing everyone's
papers, although at first i was quite apprehensive. it
was very interesting to hear what kind of expectations
and imaginative ideas people store in their minds for
the future. I know not everyone wrote their papers
from a realistic point of view, but the ideas were
captivating nonetheless. There were quite a few
reoccuring themes that caught my attention, which i
thought clearly illustrated a commons of the mind. For
instance, hydrogen cars, global warming, and
computerized agents such as robots. Of all the
different types of cars that are possibilities for the
future, hydrogen cars were mentioned at least five
times. It also seemed that the papers were arranged in
order of least change to most change, change meaning
anything from technology to environmental changes. All
in all I took much pleasure in hearing everyone's
stories and the many different scenarios that are
possible for the future.
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Posted by
1:09 PM
One Minute Paper 1/22
Todays class was very interesting to hear all of the stories that
people wrote and to hear their creativity. The papers were read in
order from the least futuristic to the most. Some of the information
could have came from what media has been talking about but other info
was totally made up from the peoples creativity.
Posted by
wash14(Connor Moore)
12:46 PM
one minute paper 1/22
Today was a very interesting class, we got to hear what people thought their lives would be like in the year 2038. I really enjoyed what everyone had to say and everyones style seemed to be so unique in their own way. Prof. Stuart, said that he put the papers in order, but he would not tell us what the order was. I thought that the papers got more futuristic as they went on. In conclusion, todays class was very fun and interesting at the same time.
Posted by
12:30 PM
Monday, January 21, 2008
Reminder: "My community in 02038" (600-900 words) due tomorrow
Posted by
Stuart Candy
6:12 PM