Thursday, January 24, 2008

Minute Paper for January 24, 2008

Yeah today went the way I was hoping it wouldn't go. Public speaking is nerve racking, especially when sharing your imaginative side. However, I got through it all in one piece. So about the community papers, they were pretty cool. Actually, Andrew's metaphoric paper about "the hive" was quite intriguing, though I must say I wasn't really able to interpret it too well. Otherwise, most papers were about the same pattern, little change, huge change, and economically aware ideas (my favorite part!). Honestly, I have to say, I have NO IDEA what type of order Mr. Candy had those papers in. I mean I thought I did until I heard the paper of the young lady that read after me. Oh, and last note, Nicole's paper worried me, seemed to fit well with humans tendency to be self-destructive, plus global warming. All in all, the class is full of a bunch of brilliant minds!

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