Friday, January 25, 2008

minute paper 1-24-08

Like i said before, i think Al Gore's documentary "An Inconvenient Truth," is responsible for all of this mental real estate in our heads. The issue of global warming and sustainability was not thought of by him. He just put his ugly mug on the issue which had been around for decades. I bet he wishes he would have focused all of his efforts on the issue back in 2000 when he lost the election. Al Gore is not a scientist, but he sure plays one in his move, he is a jounalist. However, he is responsible for this mental estate, after all he did get a lot of publicity for this one, such as winning a pulitzer and the nobel prize, and was all over T.V. the radio and newspapers. I feel that he's taking credit for this one like he took credit for inventing the internet.

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