What a change of scenery. I enjoyed Thursday's class, we got tons done! I missed Tuesday and was kind of out of the loop, but my group members brought me back up to date and I have to say that I love our groups scenario! It'll be fun to actually start the constructing of our artifacts next week; I think that our artifact will make a huge impact on the people who come across it. Looking forward to next week!
Friday, April 4, 2008
Let the project begin!
So we are now in the final planning stages of our project and I'm pretty
confident we will be able to pull this off. I'm quite excited and hoping
we are able to gain access to a vending machine and be able to see
people's reaction to our bizaare item from the future. I'm also excited
to see the other groups' project in action as well. The upcoming weeks
will certainly be entertaining ones!
Sent from my T-Mobile Sidekick®
Posted by
1:49 AM
Thursday, April 3, 2008
You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.
Posted by
11:04 PM
Minute Paper 4/3
One thing that really caught my attention in class, in particular during the discussions at the end of each of the group ideas was how simultaneously ridiculous and reasonable some of the ideas, especially for the media groups, seemed to be. One in particular that stood out to me was one talking about (I believe it was the discipline group) something along the lines of rationing of media based on physical health. While it might seem to many a denial of freedoms many expect, my first thought was what a great and practical solution to the problem of obesity it would be, assuming a simple and fair method actually could be devised to analyze physical health prior to media access. Another thing that struck me was the variety of presentation models, from newspaper adds to looking to set up a fake vending machine for the hypothetical product/technology.
Posted by
Experimental Chef
10:05 PM
Minute Paper 4/3
Today in class, we were able to make up our scenario for our presentation, which was interesting since it was fictional, but i do have to say that Hannah is quite good at it. I can tell that this project will go well and we will be able to finish it while still having fun.
Posted by
9:35 PM
Minute Paper 4/3
First of all I just want to say that it thought that there where some really interesting ideas presented by the different groups today. Now in regards to my group, I must say that I was kind of surprised at how our concept was portrayed in today’s presentation. Up until this point I had thought we where creating a future in which the government was taking our rights away simply to pave the way for some kind of dictatorship with the idea of their taking control of the media to protect us acting as simply a weak excuse to the public for the governments actions, but obviously something got lost in translation.
Mark Alexander
Posted by
8:39 PM
Today's class was really productive. Our group fully established the collapse , the change and most of our ideas on the media based society it has become from all of this is well on its way. Also, it was good to hear all the other groups and thier ideas. I really like the dream capsul idea, its interesting and so ourtragous but at the same time doesnt seem to all that impossible, I am really excited to see the future results.
Posted by
4:48 PM
minute paper 4/3
It was nice to finally get a final decision for our project together. It was a lot easier that we had one of our major group issues "flagged" (thanks Stewart and Scott) :-). Anywho, like I said, it was a lot easier working with a smaller group and I'm pleased with the results that we ended up with at the end of the class period. One of my group members (coughANDREWcough) came up with a great idea about a foreign documentary movie poster that i absolutely fell in love with. I'm excited to see how that's going to pan out. I'm also eager to see how the nuclear super-ferry poster is going to come to life. I love all the ideas that we came up with today. Keep it up group!
Posted by
1:51 PM
our group got a lot done today, we were able to write a comprehensive
sceanrio that i thought was pretty cool, compelling and cohesive. we
also come up with quite a few different options for engaging the
general public involving magnets, posters, a website, and campaign
propaganda. it was really wonderful to see everything come together and
i couldn't be happier with my group. we all inspired one another and
worked very, very well together; my favorite part is that everyone was
involved and everyone had input. it's finally down to crunch time, and
next we start with actual production.. its very exciting. i hope
everything turns out as we've envisioned it, and i really hope that we
are able to have an impact on socitey, regardless of the degree. my
only concern is the one week that we have to get it all done, but i'm
definitely optimisitc.
Posted by
1:18 PM
mintue papaer
ePaint, come and get it. This revolutionary paint has changed my life.
Now i can do the things i want to do with out having to deal with the
pesky electric bill. I just went to the store and picked up some of
this paint and painted it on my car , walls and driveway. Magic i tell
you, it just stated powering everything all naturally , from the sun.
-- This is our project transformation of energy. A product that is in
the early stages now ,by 2038 it will be a full fledged phenomenon.
Posted by
12:29 PM
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
4/1 minute paper.... on 4/2 :-(
Yesterday's class was interesting to say the least. Trying to brainstorm some ideas for our project was a bit of a chore for our group, but I think that we're starting to come up with something good. It was difficult because some of our group members had different ideas and opinions about how and what we should portray through the art aspect. But in all, it was semi-productive. I am excited to see where our project is headed in the next class, as well as seeing what everyone else has in mind for their projects.
Posted by
6:55 AM
Minute Paper 4/1
We were very productive in class today. A good amount of brainstorming was done and figured how our project would go. On thursday, hopefully we will be able to figure out totally on how we are gonna present our project to the class.
Posted by
12:23 AM
Today during the class, I was kind of confused in the beginning because i missed out on last class before the spring break. When Stuart assigned me in to media continuation I was listening hard to catch up to what the group has come up with so far. The group decided to go on the direction of dream advertising. I think it's really good approach to the thing we are doing. My group got pretty much every outline done but the time wasn't enough to actually do anything with it. hopefully we get enough time to think of somethin nice to make this project memorable. I think it is great idea to have art students and political science students collaborate to make something happen. I never thought it will be fun like this. With help of the art students, we could definitely pull something off.
I don't know if it's gonna be amazing like how my group talked about or be more realistic and make it little bit more easier.
Posted by
12:05 AM
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Minute Paper 4/1
Alright so today's class was our time to formulate our idea for our project. We kind of went in a circle with our ideas and then progressed forward, but we came to a general idea with what we wanted. Having media continuation proved to be a little difficult because we viewed it as mainly advertising. Which to me, is what media basically is. Media is used to get an idea across on different forms of medium. So what our group originally thought of was having name brand items all over our bodies. From there we kind of branched off into having advertisements in the bathrooms, like all along the walls and even in the toilet. I forgot what came after that, but we eventually came to the thought of having our dreams being used as a way to project advertisements while we sleep. I think the scenario we generated will prove to be one quite believable. We'll see what we come up with on Thursday!
Posted by
11:21 PM
today's class was really awesome... i feel as though i finally have a
clear idea of what is expected of us, and i'm excited to put everything
that we've learned to use. i love having a clear direction to be headed
in. i'm also really happy with my group, i feel like we had a really
good dialogue going today; we all kind of played off of each others
ideas and came up with a really good scenario. we also brainstormed
quite a few different approaches for engaging the general public and
disrupting their mental environment, and a few of them are really
promising and rather ambitious. i'm very curious to see what we'll
actually be able to get done given the time constraint. there were also
a couple of scenarios that the other groups came up with that sounded
interesting, and im looking forward to seeing all of the end results.
see you all thursday :o)
Posted by
10:53 PM
Minute paper 04-01-08
Our group discussed many different ideas about Media in a collapse
society. I started to question myself of how we are going to combine
all this great ideas but when Professor Stuart came to our group and
talked about the ideas we have so far then it looked more understanding
for me. Generating idea and combining very distinct interest was very
overwhelming for our group. Because at first everybody just happened to throw in all kinds of idea and not come to any sense on agreeing to one relating sets of idea and in my mind I was a bit confused. After a long deliberation we all agreed on one idea of how media looks like in the collapse society. The idea we have right now is specific enough to produce effective artifacts and reflect media in a bigger sense. I meant that it incorporates the use of media showing the essence to everyday communication. Now, it all makes sense and giving out the finish product of our scenario can be a challenge. Listening to all the groups' idea and scenarios they were interesting and exciting. It will all come down to delivering the message and influencing others to adapt in each futures.
Posted by
10:28 PM
minute paper 4-01-08
Today in class we discussed our "futures" projects in groups. I have the collapse situation regarding to the media. I still want to do the more intense collapse situation of air raids, leaflets, and strict media censorship of a foreign coutry such as china, rather than a more restorative form of this collapsed society.
Posted by
shane messick
9:28 PM
I really enjoyed today's class, it was exciting to create ideas about the future that seems so unrealistic but you never really know. I like the group I'm working in and I think that we are generating some great ideas and thoughts, also I think it is good the way we critique each others ideas and build off them to establish an all around concept or creation of the future in media. At first I was a little confused and worried to have the Media collapse because media is so diverse but over all I am glad because media is a major part of our everyday lives and the question brought up today which really stuck in my head was " how would we survive without the media" and that's hard to imagine because for our future we seem more technology and more media focus but like I said before you never know what could happen. Cant wait to see what the final of all projects. See you all Thursday.
Posted by
9:10 PM
Today's class was a bit exciting. My group is doing media continuation and we formulated an idea about Dream Advertising. Where we would offer possible customers to take our Dreamvision pills and they could experience a "second life" type world during their sleep. We would sell advertising space to companies for product placement and commercial time on Dreamvision. It was pretty captivating. I think we got off track a few times but what we ended up with is pretty good.
Posted by
Virginia Paresa
7:37 PM
Andrew's Minute Paper 4/1
It seemed like this class pretty much nothing got accomplished. When we were split off into or respective groups, without a teacher hassling us and reminding us of the time frame of the class, we lost track of a time and ended up spending most of the class discussing the numerous potential approaches and views of a continuation future rather than simply deciding on what we were going to discuss and demonstrate to the class at the end of class in short today, and in an extended format at the end of the next class. It ended up feeling like, when crunch time came, an idea was picked at random from those we had discussed. It was nice to see that some of the groups were having, even if they didn't realize it, one of the same major issues we had had. It was commented that two of the different futures seemed to be overlapping, and proposing a similar or identical future scenario. This was one of the major issues my group seemed to be having, deciding what exactly constituted a continuation future without it become disciplined, transformational, or collapsed. I was further struck by the fact that this had been the very same problem I had had when trying to research or think up ideas over the break for the topic.
Posted by
Experimental Chef
6:29 PM
Minute Paper 4/1
Today was actually pretty intense, with our group’s discussion covering everything from science fiction to communism and ending up concluding with a conspiracy theory. Ultimately I think in our round about way we ended up being really productive. Even though we came to quite a few dead ends we also explored many different forms of displaying those ideas, which helped us to narrow down our theme and has also given us a plethora of possible ideas for the artistic direction we may take to convey our possible future.
Mark Alexander
Posted by
4:55 PM
mintue paper
the project we are doing is different from what i thought it would be.
But i love what we are doing. Ours is the transforming energy and i
think we have a really good group and good ideas. I can not wait to see
the end results .
Posted by
1:37 PM
Today the group that I am in, discipline/energy, had a really good
session of talking about the potiential future we are going to create.
We came up with the entire scenario, and came up with some really good
ideas concerning how we are going to present our future. We are going
to attempt to put together a few different ways of makeing the public
aware of our possible future. I hope that we have enough time to get
the main ideas that we have produced. I am pretty excited about the
drection our group is going in, and I can't wait to see what the rest
of your groups create.
Posted by
Adam Barker
12:27 PM
Energy Continuation Future
So im kind of disappointed that I didn't get to do the project on sex. I think that would have been an interesting turn-out. But, I'm perfectly OK with doing the continuation of energy. That idea has the possibility of going anywhere and I am really excited to start collaborating with my fellow peers, and seeing what kind of ideas we can come up with together.
Here we go!
Posted by
10:03 AM
Project time!
Ok so I think we were supposed to update on this but I honestly don't
know. Better safe than sorry I guess.
Anyways our group is doing the continuation of media. With the
development of TiVo and Sirius Satellite Radio, commercials and those
forms of advertisements are out. Our group is planning on showing newer
methods that company may use in the near future in order to advertise
their products.
-- Ry
Sent from my T-Mobile Sidekick®
Posted by
9:13 AM
Media (Collapsed futures)
I know for one fact that using the collapased futures to interrelate
media and the first thing that comes to mind is dramatic scene. But
there a lot of things to be consider when producing such dramatic or
not at all close to dramatic scene. Most importantly is to get the
collapsed future of media idea around the audiences mind or how media
will looks like in a collapsed society affect many people's lives.
After doing my research on media, I personally came with the idea about
filmmaking.Here are some of the problems facing the director of a
filmmaking, Mr Filmmedia. There are a lack of equipment to shoot or
film a specific event (a headline on the news/topnotch)which are all
part of low-budget filmmaking. Second, there are a few numbers of
cameramen, newscaster and actors to make the film or news come to life.
Mr. Degenerator needs to hire new employees right away or his life
career is over. The filmmaking crew of Mr. Filmmedia are about to film
a low-budget film in Texas, USA which is set on Spain. Mr. Filmmedia is
willing to take money out of his own pocket to buy everything that is
needed for the film, with the help of the crew, if they offered to
help. They cannot afford to go to Spain, so they filmed in Texas. This
is the brainstorm of how I picture this scenario. But I will take this
idea to my group and work things together.
posted ruta
Posted by
8:47 AM
I am not sure what direction we are going in for sure. I thought energy such as gas would be more interesting.
For example, the elimination of gas because it is so expensive and the new future's way of dealing without it.
If not, then the idea of a watch that can power things just by touching it sounds good. Maybe we could try to
make an advertisent for it.
Posted by
7:54 AM
Right, so I'm fairly excited about our big futures, art project! Although I have no idea what my group will do with our topic I'm hoping we'll do something that will be exposed to the outside, naive civilization. Maybe a futuristic website...I don't know like maybe all our homework will be able to be done on Myspace and Facebook one day because thats what most kids are on nowadays. I suppose I only found one slightly relevant article on the prediction of change in media broadcasting at http://medialabeurope.org/news/PR/2002.11.25-RadicalChanges.pdf. Hope thats alright for now...I'm excited to touch base with my group tomorrow to be inspired to seek more ideas with a better grasp for what we're aiming for!
Posted by
Sharissa K
12:51 AM
Monday, March 31, 2008
energy [discipline]
As broad of a topic as energy is, I think my group has many options when it comes to creating a scenario for a disciplinary future. For one, our scenario could be of a select source of energy that is designated as the "go-to" source.. for example, fossil fuels could be banned (or perhaps used up?) and we rely strictly on mcdonald's fast food grease. every car is now green & powered by fast food chain waste. in the winter you have to heat your house using grease..that would be nauseating! or maybe ever household or citizen will have a set amount of gallons of gas they can use per week. rationed energy. very interesting. we'll see how things go in class tomorrow.
Posted by
Jeff & Lea
10:34 PM
group: energy discipline
i must say that the overlapping categories of future scenarios is quite
tricky. i have been doing some research on energy and it's possible
futures and have come up with a few vague ideas that my group and i
might be able to work with. when considering a future based on a
disciplined use of energy, i see two possibilities: either we set up
restrictive guidelines for the use of our current form of energy, or we
impliment and expand on more sustainable forms and make them
requirements. the second of two seems borderline 'transformation,'
however it seems as though with the right twist, it may also work for
discipline. i haven't been able to brainstorm much with my group
members, but i'm sure meeting with them tomorrow and getting the
dialogue going will certainly help to broaden and expand on the ideas
that we've all come up with.
Posted by
8:43 PM
Control In the Media
Considering that my group has been assigned control in the media as our future scenario it would seem that we will be looking at censoring. With this being said, the general concept I came up with for my groups project is to create something like a poster that attempts to disguise the governments heavy control of the media as something meant to protect us and to make our lives more enjoyable.
Posted by
7:16 PM
The Collapse of Energy
I guess for our project we have to pick a form of energy and show how it would collapse and make sure that it won't conflict with any of the other futures. Since the group picked oil as energy and chose to either say that we run out of it, or that we lose access to it. I think that the most effect that could happen is if we fully run out of oil. The scenario of losing access isn't really logical for the U.S. since its such a huge power and they would either pay for it to be imported, or fight for it like the most recent war. Even though, a picture of a number of oil wells burning from the war, would be pretty impactful.
Posted by
5:53 PM
spring break minute paper
I saw this movie over the break at the dollar theater. The movie was called "cloverfield." The movie started off hunky dory, until there was ome rumbling in the background, and all of the sudden the head of the statue of liberty came barreling into downtown manhattan. This part scared the shit out of me. As you can imagine the whole city was in a collapse like situation almost immediately. Collapse is my topic pertaining to the media. There were displays of media and communication and lack thereof in this movie. Anyways it brings up the whole idea of leaflets of forms of media, as well as helicopters acting as sheep dogs to corral ,communicate, and control mass populations of people. I would like to use the leaflet idea that contained outrageous foreign propaganda.
Posted by
shane messick
12:25 PM
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Project Ideas
I find that I have trouble figuring out the exact direction that the Energy (Continuation) future should go without it risking overlapping with other energy futures. As I see it, the possible views of continuation are as follows: 1, continuing our fuel consumption until we run out, intersecting with the collapse future; or 2, finding a new resource that can be exploited in the way current fuels are, intersecting with the transformation to a degree. Of course, one could instead focus the effects of the continuation of our energy use habits, rather than trying to figure out the details of exactly how the energy use had continued. By that logic, the image of the future could be less focused on the actual fuel consumption, but rather focus on the destruction wrought upon the environment by our excessive and environmentally unfriendly energy use. This train of thought in turn inspired an idea for a futures project focusing on the technology necessary for people to survive and go about normal live in spite of the environmental degradation caused by our energy use. But I am not sure if this would end up being too far from the intended focus of the project.
Posted by
Experimental Chef
2:56 PM