Thursday, January 24, 2008

minute paper.01/24

Today at class, We were ask to read our 'my community in 2038' papers. I was bit nervous at first because I didn't know if i wrote my paper properly or not. When I was reading it, I felt much better but I felt like I should have checked my paper double times to check for grammatical errors. In my paper, I described future world that was devastated by global warming and everyone was having little harder time then now. That is how I honestly felt when I was asked to imagine future 30 years from now. When Stuart told people who missed class on tuesday to reflect this on the things we learned last Tuesday I was thinking, 'Why do I think the world is going to mess up like that?' and I thought It's because of the Mental Estate in my brain that Hollywood movies have bought from me. It was weird. To think that movies and books can influence my imaginations and stuff like that. Mental Estate is powerful thing. So I think the hollywood people should use it to make people better by making movies that touches the heart. It was really fun to hear other people's papers because half the class thought that world will be worse place in 30years and other half thought that the world will be a better place in 30 years. I honestly thought that optimistic view on future sounded really good. and I thought I should have take the optimistic path to write my paper.

1 comment:

Hannah said...

wouldn't it be fantastic if production companies worked more for social awareness instead of purely for ratings...