Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Minute Paper 1/22/08

Today in class we all read our accounts of what we thought the future thirty years from now would hold for us. It appeared to me, that the first people that went viewed things through the eyes of someone living in a world that had changed but not drastically. As the readings progressed it appeared that more and more of the people reading felt that the world would undergo more radical changes be it either through technology or through changes brought about by war or other things which damaged the Earth. This was an interesting way to show that when people look at the future and try to predict what it holds, there are many different ideas that are stressed. Some took a close look at their family lives while others postulated more on other aspects of daily life. Quite an interesting idea to have everyone read their papers, but I will say that it was nerve racking and that I could have done without having to read what I wrote so unexpectedly.


To the class I will say this, great job on your papers and I believe everyone who read had something different and interesting to contribute. Some made me laugh, others made me sit back and think, while others gave me a great understanding of who some of you are as people in terms of your values, dreams, and attitudes towards life. Great job everyone!

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