Today in class my group pretty much just finalized are project. I am really happy with what we are doing it seems like it is going to be a very cool project. We got out website up and running and it amazes me what the computer guys in our group can do. They are pretty amazing with all the computer stuff. All in all i cant wait to present our project because i feel that we did a very good job.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Minute Paper (4-10-08)
The last day of production week. A lot have accomplished for our group's artifact, the only part now is to display and get the different audiences reaction and analysis. The last minute cramming and reviewing of what we are going to put out was all done today. Our group went over what we are basically doing and how our posters, flyer and the surf board picture lays out. We also identify the people responsible for each artifact and who will be taking the pictures. Also, after our display who will be sending the pictures to so that person can work on the power-point presentation on Thursday. It's all going to come down when all group display their artifact and the possibility each futures scenario captures someone's attention. Good luck everyone!
Posted by
12:08 AM
minute paper 4/10
Today's class was somewhat productive. It was nice to get our website idea squared away and add some finishing touches to the movie poster we have been working on. Although, I believe the two of my group members stayed a little while longer after class to work on our posters, I trust that both of them will have me impressed the next time we meet. It's very reassuring that I can fully have faith in them when I'm not able to be there to express my ideas. It seems as though we all agree easily and, generally, bring similar great ideas to the table. I still can't wait to share our different artifacts and ideas to everyone.
Posted by
12:00 AM
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Minute Paper 4/10
I had been worried at first that it seemed like we were going to have trouble with this project. Not because we didn't have any ideas, or a good idea, but instead we had too many ideas we liked, and too few people to enact them. Further, the two directions we seemed to be going in caused me to wonder if somehow we would end up with two completely unrelated projects. But it seems that we will actually be able to accomplish the project, with both our ideas for posters coming together just as had been hoped. This will then leave us with very little left to accomplish, and time already scheduled with the group to meet outside of class to finish the remaining elements. And as one might guess...with this being another workday, I have little to say other that reporting how the progress is going.
Posted by
Experimental Chef
11:56 PM
Minute Paper 4/10
In class today, my group and I were able to finish our project and I have to say that it looks well done. I do also have to thank Cari for such a wonderful job on the posters and on the flier. We should be putting them up on tuesday and taking some photos with them and asking people what they think of them as well. Enjoy your weekend everyone.
Posted by
11:10 PM
today during class, We finished plan for EVERYTHING. All we need to do is to put all the stuff we planned into an action. We decided to print a sticker and wrap it over the tic-tac boxes and give it out as a dream pill. We got the posters and stuff to post it over the campus to make people get interested in the project we are doing and take pictures of people interacting with it. I think we will do well because everyone is taking this serious and We all wanna make sure we get a good experience out of it.
Posted by
10:12 PM
During the Tuesday class, my group went through a several changes to make things more realistic and achievable with a limited resouces that was available to us. While we were at the computer lab, we went on to work on the posters and everything. I think our group's topic, media's role in future is really something we need to think about because big chunk of our society now revolves around media and it's related fields. If it changes drastically it could change lots of the ways of life for many people. So we are trying hard to portray what we came up with and everything. I just felt like I couldn't do much to help the art students because everything was so techie and stuff. I think my idea of connecting Media and Dream was really good. lol It's just what I think.
Posted by
10:05 PM
Minute Paper 4/10
First of all let me just say that words cannot express how thankful I am that we have the art students helping us. I for one would not have been able to create anything close to the quality of production that the digital artists in my group have used in bring to life our ideas. Now, from today’s class there isn’t too much to report. Basically today was spent picking up where we left off from last class, finalizing the layout for our PowerPoint and working on designing our posters. Overall I’m really happy with how our project has evolved, starting as something that I had serious doubts about and blooming into a project that I think myself and my group members will be proud of.
Mark Alexander
Posted by
9:03 PM
minute paper 4-10-08
Today in class we got together in our groups again, and started tying up all looses ends. We discussed where we were going to install our future artifacts. We decided that 20 of each of our two posters all around campus. We also have a dramatic setting from the future which we will set up at various locations around campus fishing for the right impact and some snapshots. I see that some people are having trouble in their groups, and i don't feel that way at all about my group, we are on the right path heading towards a defiite goal and each of us are greatly enthusiastically contributing the established final product.
Posted by
shane messick
8:28 PM
I came to class and continued work on our project for the discipline of
energy. I'm writing the text for the website. I am basically carrying
my group. If I wasn't there they would fail.
Posted by
Adam Barker
7:50 PM
in today's class we didn't get as much done as i would have liked. one
of our artifacts is a magnet, and on this magnet we wanted to include a
web address so that the people who receive our magnets could find out
more information about our project and sceanrio. we already had the
website and the design for the magnet made, we just needed to find a
way to post our stie up on the web which is what we spent most of
todays class doing. because of this we weren't really able to do much
production today, however we already have all of our supplies and we
did a test run with the printer. now all we have left to do is add some
text to the website, assemble the magnets and then distribute them, as
well as some preparation for our presentation. One of our group members
has also decided to take it upon himself to create a short commercial
for our fictional business (much love to Adam :o), so if all goes well
that will be posted on our website also. i'm really looking forward to
actually putting the magnets on cars, and seeing what kind of response
we get. im going to put my email address on the website so that if
anyone has comments or wants to respond they'll have a way to do so.
i'm really enjoying this opportunity to engage the other people in what
we've been learning and i think it's awesome that all of our groups get
to go public with their ideas.
Posted by
12:44 PM
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
minute 4/8
Today's class was somewhat productive. Not as productive as I had hope; but productive. It was a little hard and uncomfortable to work in a very cramped space but, you gotta do what you gotta do. I like a lot of the ideas that we came up with today in addition to some of the ideas we had in the previous class. I think that the foreign documentary poster is going to turn out great, along with our logo poster, or advertisement, if you will. I'm really excited to see how everything turns out, and can't wait to present our creations.
Posted by
6:42 AM
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Minute Paper 4/8
I find myself at somewhat of a loss for what to say about class today, in consideration of the fact that we spent most of the day working on previously developed ideas for the project. One thing I noticed was that little bits of conversations that I caught going on about the class kept on inspiring ideas about other artifacts that could be created, or ways to accomplish ideas that we had thought of previously. One idea in particular that caught my mind was someone bringing up sticker creation, connecting to an idea we had had regarding the creation of bottles of a fake medications as an easy way to produce the effect.
One thought occurred to me about how to improve the project if it is to be continued in subsequent semesters. I found in class today that is was somewhat challenging to work in the room due to both crowding and noise concerns. It seems that, if either a larger or second computer room were made available, it might facilitate work.
Posted by
Experimental Chef
11:58 PM
Minute Paper 4/8
Class went well today, we were very productive with our projects and figured out mainly what we are gonna put on our posters. I figure though that i need to work harder on my portion of the project since its a group effort. By Thursday, we will hopefully be almost done with the posters and also be down with the scenario and the text for the posters, but the group is good and we should do wonderfully on this project.
Posted by
11:52 PM
Minute Paper 4/8
Today was really productive for our group. We started out by sketching and drafting preliminary versions of our posters, which moved pretty quickly thanks to Tiffany’s artistic insights and our carefully drawn out plot of the future we are trying to portray. Once finished with that portion of the project we moved on to creating our slideshow. Once again starting with sketches we designed a short PowerPoint tutorial that will be presented with the posters creating what we hope will be an attention grabbing and thought provoking multi-media presentation.
Mark Alexander
Posted by
11:42 PM
Minute paper (4-08-08)
Its production week and our group finalized our ideas to come up with an engaging artifact. The art students work collaborative in producing the artifact from the idea captured in our scenario. Now, what we come up so far are big posters with pictures that identify our collapsed media society. Since pictures worth a thousand words the pictures will get people focused and involved in our scenario. Second, we are doing flyers which will include the information in relation to the poster but in a more engaging and propaganda sense. Our last idea being crumble at the very last minute is a very entertaining and more conceptualized mental picture of our collapsed media society includes like a funeral. More in detail will produce later. This is what we come up and hopefully Thursday we stick to this and try to refresh our idea and bring it to the next level. We gathered some more ideas in which we would have finalized it before but it's great though because we have so far some solid artifacts that will bring forth the idea behind our scenario. I hope the best for everyone else's artifacts and how interesting and creative all ideas will be.
Posted by
11:36 PM
Project production..
So today we started on the production of our future artifact. Our group
was off to a rough start because we had a clash of ideas, but we were
able to find common ground with the art class. We may not be able to get
the vending machines that we orignally thought, but we will be able to
draw up a mock up setting to show everyone. I'm hoping to get the
machines though because it would an awesome idea! If not then I'll
settle for the mock up. Hope everyone elses projects are going smooth!
Sent from my T-Mobile Sidekick®
Posted by
9:22 PM
Minute Paper 4/8
Today we finished up our ideas for the project and started to put it
all together. We r going to show a slide show and have some posters up
in the Campus Center so people walking by can easily see it. There r a
lot of people that walk in that area so hopefully we will get the
results that we want from this project. I am really excited to see how
our project turns out and also see how the rest of the projects. It
will be interesting to see all of the reactions that people will have
toward these projects
Posted by
wash14(Connor Moore)
8:02 PM
minute paper 4/8/08
Today in class we worked on our project again. At the beginning of class we were still divided and still trying to settle on a hard set idea that we aould all go with. After class deliberations we finally started to communicate all of our ideas into a more focused direct concept. I feel that we are doing well, and our project should make the kind of impact and thinking invoke.
Posted by
shane messick
5:38 PM
My group is slowly and chaotically coming together. I really like all of our ideas we have so many it was hard to just choose one or two but the ones we are going forward with will really make an impression with our message we are trying to get across. The art students are really creating powerful imagines and it is much more than I expected. I am excited to see everyone Else's work and ideas they came up with.
Posted by
4:51 PM
Today we designed the art and text that we are going to put onto
magnets. Our group has come up with a lot of great ideas, and I can't
wait to see it finished. We also created a website that tells about
what our class is doing. We found a company that will print our magnets
and we will have the web address on them. We also came up with an idea
for a short video/commercial we are going to make and then put on We will have a link on our website that takes you to this
video. I'm really happy with the way our group is meshing. Our two art
students are kicking ass. I'm looking forward to thursday.
Posted by
Adam Barker
3:53 PM
mintue paper
the project is doing well. It is progressing very nicely. I can not
wait to see the final results of what everyone is doing and how they
all fit together.
Posted by
3:13 PM
4/8 minute paper
Today was my first day back in two weeks because of traveling for baseball. It was an exciting class becasue i got to see what our project was and i was really excited with what my group has come up with. I feel like i need to do the majority of the rest of the work though because of my absence to the group because i was traveling for baseball. Today was a great class and i look forward to getting back into the group on thrusday.
Posted by
3:05 PM
we are finally at the production stages of our found futures project,
and it's definitely crunch time. i'm actually finding the productions
aspect of the process to be quite challenging because there are so many
things to think about. not only do our artifacts have to be practical,
but they also have to be functional, accessible, aesthically pleasing,
and intriguing. my group have decided to take on quite a few different
approaches. we are going to make magnets to put on cars, a website,
campaign propoganda, and also a commercial to be posted on the web;
it's definitely a lot to take on, but i know we can do it, and it will
just make our project that much better. i'm excited and apprehensive,
and i just hope that the final project is something we can all be proud
Posted by
12:44 PM
min paper 4/8/08
Our futures class is the shizzzy those computers in there are fantastic although the one i was using was a little slow on the email side but nevertheless i got through. Energy and media, two completely different topics but yet so close together when you look at the future of one another. I got Energy so ya'l know im going to come correct for the mother earth. But seriously, The future of of our energy crisis is changing the world around us with gas prices sky rocketing our society is going to have to find better more affordable ways of using energy thats why solar energy and hydrogen cells are probably not that far away from being used in everyday life could you imagine an ipod or cell phone you never had to plug in. Or a car that only needed to be refueled every month man i think the future is going to be crazy and exciting.
Posted by
12:23 PM
Monday, April 7, 2008
minute paper 04/03
new people every time i go to class, it's hard to get use to lol. When I went to class, I was able to feel the energy of enthusiasm from many people. Many of us were very into this project. What i liked more was that Art students are very cool and they were more eager to make things, help us with ideas and everything. I didn't think they will be so into it like us too. Our group worked on the project we had in our hands and made it more detailed so that we may have our each part to work on and put it together later. I want to see how this will turn out to be like. We decided to talk more about it on next class so hopefully we finish everything by then.
Posted by
5:43 PM