Friday, January 25, 2008

Re: 1 Minute paper 1/24/2008

Today was really great I thought everones 2038 predictions were great especially robotic futures thats my favorite. I also felt good about the people who metioned California in  their papers. The truth of the matter is this though Global warming, Fossil fuels,and politics are rising concerns for our society. And I heard all of these things metioned in the papers today.  Mainly Fossil fuels,Oil  prices are rising and the future  of gasoline powered cars
is slim but we cant predict the future we can only theroize what will happen Nobody knows for sure.  We've all heard stories about the prophecies and how they've all been true but have they made any statments in those prophecies about the things metioned to day in class. I think our class is great its the best class so far out of the four that i am enrolled in ok i i ran out of think to talk about peace mario

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