Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Minute Paper 4/1

Alright so today's class was our time to formulate our idea for our project. We kind of went in a circle with our ideas and then progressed forward, but we came to a general idea with what we wanted. Having media continuation proved to be a little difficult because we viewed it as mainly advertising. Which to me, is what media basically is. Media is used to get an idea across on different forms of medium. So what our group originally thought of was having name brand items all over our bodies. From there we kind of branched off into having advertisements in the bathrooms, like all along the walls and even in the toilet. I forgot what came after that, but we eventually came to the thought of having our dreams being used as a way to project advertisements while we sleep. I think the scenario we generated will prove to be one quite believable. We'll see what we come up with on Thursday!

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