Thursday, April 3, 2008


our group got a lot done today, we were able to write a comprehensive
sceanrio that i thought was pretty cool, compelling and cohesive. we
also come up with quite a few different options for engaging the
general public involving magnets, posters, a website, and campaign
propaganda. it was really wonderful to see everything come together and
i couldn't be happier with my group. we all inspired one another and
worked very, very well together; my favorite part is that everyone was
involved and everyone had input. it's finally down to crunch time, and
next we start with actual production.. its very exciting. i hope
everything turns out as we've envisioned it, and i really hope that we
are able to have an impact on socitey, regardless of the degree. my
only concern is the one week that we have to get it all done, but i'm
definitely optimisitc.

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