Tuesday, April 1, 2008


today's class was really awesome... i feel as though i finally have a
clear idea of what is expected of us, and i'm excited to put everything
that we've learned to use. i love having a clear direction to be headed
in. i'm also really happy with my group, i feel like we had a really
good dialogue going today; we all kind of played off of each others
ideas and came up with a really good scenario. we also brainstormed
quite a few different approaches for engaging the general public and
disrupting their mental environment, and a few of them are really
promising and rather ambitious. i'm very curious to see what we'll
actually be able to get done given the time constraint. there were also
a couple of scenarios that the other groups came up with that sounded
interesting, and im looking forward to seeing all of the end results.
see you all thursday :o)

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