Tuesday, March 4, 2008

minute paper 3/4/08

Today in class we finally got to meet the man who wrote many of the texts that we have been reading, Jim Dator. We discussed our system of government, the founding fathers, george washington, and how the idea of a president had never been established before. Jim Dator was quite the character, and i appreciated his realism and direct way of teaching. I completely agree with his belief that reading and writing is strictly for communicating, and as long as you got your point across the writing was effective. He also stated that we are the only country in the world who has universities that teach their own language. He stated that this is because that the educated elites use language unfamiliar to ourselves to try to bullshit us, because afterall we're freakin' idiots. Sorry to say it, but to study english is to study bullshit, we should always pay close attention to the message, not the manner in which it is delivered.

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