Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Andrew's Minute Paper 3/11

I found certain aspects of today's class really fun. In particular, I really enjoyed examining the advertisements from a critical perspective. While this didn't seem to interest all of the class, this is quite a familiar task for me, because of a series of classes I took in highschool. My school had a set of media related classes, with one of the basic early activities being learning all the different tactics advertisers use to make us want a product, while usually guaranteeing almost nothing. So it was easy to look at an add and see them trying to sell, happiness, sex, or adventure by claiming that is what their product is.
One good point that was brought up that really stuck with me was that while the GNN stuff focused how biased the news tends to be, one also has to consider their own biases, and how they shaped the GNN coverage of biased news coverage.
I also was amused by the fact that this far into the semester, we heard about as much today from the substituting teacher about the major project of the class as we have heard from our regular teacher.

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