Wednesday, March 12, 2008


professor talked lot about the media portrait of stuffs, especially war, giving me the impression that what is media feeding us? are they giving us misleading infos to shape our minds the way they want? or is it something they need to do because people can't handle the 'truth' well as they think they can handle, or is it just plain truth? i would say only very chill and laid back ppl would think that media is giving us truth and nothing but truth. because if i do just little bit of research you can see that there is whole another side of the story to the events on the news. do i think the US is doing the right thing by moving in to iraq and 'freeing' its' people? do i think that iraq is axis of evil and US is the hero of the world? i don't believe it. to iraqi ppl, there is probably nothing eviler then US. they came in and iraq has been in worst shape ever. ppl die every single day because of the war there and stuff. Our media portrays it as if iraqi ppl actually wants US military to stay there and help. but the other side of that story is, there is protests in that region every time saying that US needs to go away and pay for the wrongs they did to the people of Iraq. I believe everybody is capable of seeing the truth to the events. they just need to put in little bit of effort to get behind what news reports are saying. i don't know if i make sense. it's really late and im tired.

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