Thursday, January 17, 2008

minute paper [1/17]

Both of the articles read in class today were really interesting. I thought that the "Mental Real Estate" article was especially thought-provoking because it was written in such a casual, friendly, easy-to-read way. After reading it, I thought to myself, "how true!" So many things take up my mental real estate just because they have been introduced to me through popular culture--movies, music, products, etc. I could probably be filling those prime lots with more useful information, like class lectures.
Unfortunately, we are such a consumer driven society that these things matter a great deal to us and we pay attention to them, whether it be what new movies are coming out or who is starring in one of the millions of new reality tv shows featuring already known celebrities (tila and bret michaels? come on!) Although we don't realize these useful bits of info are taking up hot real estate in our minds, they creep in there and can be recalled in an instant! Very sad, indeed..but at least it comes in handy during Trivial Pursuit 90's. :)

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