Monday, February 18, 2008

response to reading from valentines day

the four articles that we were supposed to read by last class were really fascinating. social inventions by dator was great because it really laid out the history of each revolution of though in modern society. also, dator encouraging all types of thinking, stressing on creativity and alternative possibilities i think is a really important point to make. its true that people have to let go of their inhibitions or fears of being wrong to really think of new and brilliant ideas. then  dator mentioned debono and lateral thinking using six "thinking hats." though each reference points are important it is the balance an combination of them all together that really makes a difference. one article is just like our "society in 2038" except it was set in 2016ish? it was a great point of view i thought but it was frightening to really sit down and think, "wow, this could really happen..." the other articles spoke of designing our society deliberating all possible futures so that we know what we want, what we can work for, and what we should really work to avoid. at the same time, i wouldn't be able to think of just one think that i would like for the future. i think the best thing we can do is eliminate bad options and keep our minds open. as it says in society and design, "improvement of an existing condition or state requires a clear vision of what is wanted, not a clear vision of what is not wanted." i have a hard enough time picking a major, let alone giving out feasible plans for the entire future. we just can't take ourselves too seriously right?

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