Friday, February 15, 2008

minute paper

In class on thursday we saw the four graphs that represent possible outcomes for the exponential growth curve. I see the first graph as the iminent problem that has to be corrected before the bottom falls out, the second graph represents what will happen if you don't address the iminent problem of the first graph. The other 2 are potential solutions to the problem.

With the idea of "cradle to cradle " rather than "cradle to grave" is a very true and real issue whether you're talking about the trash that we all accumulate, mainly fast food and packaged goods. But I was thinking about how this same issue applies to how we have thrown away piles and piles of people into prisons, and I don't know the numbers, but I'm pretty sure we have way more people in prison than any other country. I'm pretty sure we can find a better more useful way to correct or rehabilitate a lot of these individuals in prisons

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