Thursday, February 14, 2008

Minute Paper 2/14

"Doing things right vs. doing the right thing" was the concept that really stuck out for me.  To me, doing things right is a learned process that we have developed over the course of our childhood.  Our parents have taught us proper manners, language use, and morals.  Teachers has taught us the right ways of solving problems, how to treat our fellow peers, and even the things that are inappropriate for the classroom as well as society.  So pretty much are whole childhood was a time for molding us to fit in with the "doing things right" way of life.  However, it was through the process of "doing the right thing" that brought humanity to where it is today.  Our American history is made up of a bunch of "doing the right thing" moments.  If the Declaration of Independence wasn't signed because if it would be doing the right thing by just complying with the British in order to avoid a war, we would be sitting around sipping cups of tea with crumpets still.  But because the people believed that by signing that document would be the right thing to do, we have developed into the most powerful nation in the world.

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