Thursday, January 31, 2008

Minute Paper for January 31, 2008

I have to say the most intriguing portion of class was when the idea of counter factual thinking was introduced for it's something I do frequently, but have recently tried to avoid, thinking it would be considered dwelling in the past, which is frowned upon by many of my dearest friends. However, the whole idea of "what if" is difficult to not ponder because there are so many huge moments or little events that lead us to where we are and where we go. For instance, what if Britney Spears' aunt hadn't died? Would she be as unstable as she is today? Maybe not. Or what if Brad Pitt hadn't made Mr. and Mrs. Smith with Angelina Jolie? Would he have like a whole bunch of kids right now? Probably not. I like the idea of referencing the past to look towards the future as well. And the whole clock in a mountain thing is pretty interesting. I think I'm going to try and keep up with the development just to see the end product and how it affects people. Good class.

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