Tuesday, January 29, 2008

minute paper 01.29.08

Unfortunately today I was thirty minutes late to
class, so I missed the beginning of the discussion.
The part that I did hear, however, I found educational
and quite alarming. Novelties were defined today as
something disruptive that require radical change.
Based on the estimation that 80% of future experiences
would be novelties, I thought Prof. Stuart made a very
sound point when discussing our current educational
system and the idea that it may be a misplaced
investiment if the proposed estimation is true. It's a
very scarey thought. Also, the excerpt read from the
geology book about mother nature being 46 years old
really hit home and put it all in perspective. The
word "staggering" was used, and i can think of no
other word that better describes the radical changes
that mankind has undergone in the recent past. It's
even crazier to think that our generation is the very
first to experience first-hand all of mankinds major
technological advancements. In a sense we are
inevitbaly the guineapigs of the technological age. In
reference to the assingment we were given today, I
find it a lot harder than expected to think of new and
orignial ideas regarding the future. Hollywood images
and cliché concepts keep clouding my thoughts and
hindering my ability to come up with something
untainted by the opinions of others.

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