Thursday, April 10, 2008


in today's class we didn't get as much done as i would have liked. one
of our artifacts is a magnet, and on this magnet we wanted to include a
web address so that the people who receive our magnets could find out
more information about our project and sceanrio. we already had the
website and the design for the magnet made, we just needed to find a
way to post our stie up on the web which is what we spent most of
todays class doing. because of this we weren't really able to do much
production today, however we already have all of our supplies and we
did a test run with the printer. now all we have left to do is add some
text to the website, assemble the magnets and then distribute them, as
well as some preparation for our presentation. One of our group members
has also decided to take it upon himself to create a short commercial
for our fictional business (much love to Adam :o), so if all goes well
that will be posted on our website also. i'm really looking forward to
actually putting the magnets on cars, and seeing what kind of response
we get. im going to put my email address on the website so that if
anyone has comments or wants to respond they'll have a way to do so.
i'm really enjoying this opportunity to engage the other people in what
we've been learning and i think it's awesome that all of our groups get
to go public with their ideas.

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