Thursday, February 7, 2008


I thought the exercise that we did today involving the postcards was an
excellent way to illustrate the concept of Future'S'. All of the
different scenarios are real possibilties for the Hawaiian Islands, and
it was interesting to hear everyone's different takes on the issues at
hand. While i found most of the futures quite disturbing and
unsettling, i must say that my favorite was the one where Hawai'i
regained its sovereignty, although it did seem a little radical. I
would like to also say that aside from feeling a little scared by the
realness of the scenarios, i left the class feeling quite empowered. As
fundamental as today's exercise was, it gave me quite a bit of insight
into what kind of place I would like the future to be. While i've
always had some vague idea, today i gained a more concrete
understanding of where my vision falls into the four categories, and my
personal vision for the future is now clearer. I'm looking forward to
the next class, and i'll see you all on tuesday :o)

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